For the past few weeks, I have had an upset stomach no matter my diet. On the bright side, over the course of a few weeks I lost 5 pounds. But weight loss is little consolation when you spend most of the day for weeks on the verge of throwing up after every meal. I was working at home one day while my mother had Dr. Oz on, and I happened to catch a little snippet of his show that talked about the amazing anti-inflammatory and healing properties of Turmeric.
Click here for a link to Dr. Oz's blog post about Turmeric. The show segment reminded me that Turmeric was also one of the key supplements in the Grain Brain regimen advocated by Dr. Perlmutter. Now, Turmeric is one of the natural remedies that I am currently researching (and writing a more in-depth blog post on) but in light of my nausea and the recommendations of Dr. Oz and Dr. Perlmutter, I dove straight into the cabinet and made some Turmeric Tea. After several days of drinking this Turmeric Tea, my nausea is gone and my spirits much higher.
To make Turmeric Tea you need:

1 c. Hot Water
1 tsp. Turmeric
Be forewarned that the tea is palatable but not particularly pleasant to drink. Lemon juice and honey would likely do the trick - but I am not quite ready to play around with this recipe. Also, I thought I heard Dr. Oz say that Turmeric was water soluble - but at the bottom of my first cup I found a thick Turmeric sludge. So either Turmeric is not water soluble, I did not wait long enough, or 1 cup of water is not enough to dissolve 1 tsp of Turmeric. To get the max dose, I end up stirring my cup before each drink.
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