Tuesday, November 25, 2014

If You Are Suffering From... Chronic Headaches

Chronic headaches...what a nightmare.  Headaches can range from low grade (buzzing in one's head) to severe (migraines) - each with different but ultimately negative impacts to daily life.


Some very serious conditions can cause chronic headaches.  Click here to read what the Mayo Clinic has to say on chronic headaches (including some alternative medicine recommendations).  If your doctor rules out the known serious conditions that can cause chronic headaches, alternative medicine can likely help.


The theory that I find most plausible for the causes of "unknown" chronic headaches is chronic inflammation (that either leads to or accentuates a physical imbalance - e.g. muscle tension- or chemical imbalance) due to one or more of the following: (1) dietary sources of inflammation, (2) nutrient deficiency, (3) chemical exposure.  Diet and nutrient deficiency are fairly easy to test.  Chemical exposure, however, is a much more tricky subject.  Chemical exposure can come from a variety of sources, including hygiene products, food (primarily preservatives, herbicides, and pesticides), water (municipal water is fairly well regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency- unless a company spills chemicals into your water supply as happened recently in Charleston, WV - so I would be more suspicious of well water, especially if you live near any form of industry and possibly agriculture), the environment (including materials used in your home such as lead based solder or drywall with formaldehyde), and the air (such as carbon monoxide infiltrating your home from a garage or faulty furnace, radon in your basement, and air pollution from industry). 


The following alternative therapies can likely help with chronic headaches.  My belief is that health is not sustainable without dietary change.
  1. Trigger Point Therapy - Several known trigger points cause or accentuate headaches.  Trigger Point Therapy can help eliminate any muscle tension that is causing or accentuating the headaches. 
  2. Elimination Diet - Performing an elimination diet, as prescribed herein, performs two functions including eliminating all common food allergens/irritants from your diet and increasing your nutrient intake (if done properly).  These two functions help address both dietary sources of inflammation and nutrient deficiency.  Click here to find guidance on performing an elimination diet
  3. Herbs - Herbs, specifically butterbur has been scientifically proven to be beneficial in migraines.  Click here to find additional information and guidance on the use of butterbur.
  4. Vitamins, Minerals, & Other Supplements - If you have muscle tension or increased inflammation due to vitamin, mineral, or other deficiencies, identifying these deficiencies and correcting them through supplements can augment efforts to eliminate chronic headaches.
  5. Acupuncture -  Acupuncture promotes blood flow, which can help reduce inflammation and may help with chronic headaches.
  6. Product Elimination Trial - Modern hygiene products are full of chemicals that may promote inflammation in your body.  By identifying sources of inflammation from these products, you can reduce their contribution to any headaches.

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