Sunday, November 2, 2014

In Real Time - Baking Soda

I'm reading through Faster, Higher, Stronger by Mark McClusky - a book on sports science - just now, hoping to glean some insight into how to rehab the body or optimize performance.  One of the more interesting and scientifically proven supplements to aid elite athletes is supplementation with Bicarbonate (aka Baking Soda).  The idea of using baking soda as a supplement is to raise the pH of your blood to help the body neutralize the lactic acid created in the muscles by anaerobic energy production.

Tonight, I decided to try a homemade cocktail that included a nice heaping teaspoon of baking soda (though this is no where near the amount recommended to actually do anything to my body chemistry).  Two words.  Bad idea.  Do you remember the classic elementary school volcano science experiment?  The basic premise - build a volcano, put baking soda inside of a cup in the volcano, dump vinegar onto the baking soda and watch the massive eruption.  Here's a link to a science bob video just in case you'd like a refresher.

Turns out that stomach acid has the same effect on baking soda as vinegar.  Suffice it to say, you will not be seeing future recipes for baking soda cocktails!


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